Dance Style- Urban Animation and Heels
Kahlil “Rahwm” Smith began exploring the expression of movement through his early adolescent years in middle school on a step-team and broke more boundaries as he joined a Hip-Hop Dance Team formally known as HYPHY and then later joined Essence/AWOL Step Team leading them to multiple placing victories. While Kahlil remained on Essence/AWOL, he still created for HYPHY, helping change their narrative from Hip-Hop Dance Team to Creative Dance Team while introducing contemporary and lyrical styles. He then joined the ADHS Cheer Team to train in cheerleading and graduated in 2014.
In 2016, Kahlil joined rising Hip-hop Dance Team GenetiX Dance Crew. Here he discovered the hard work of directing choreography and creating for longer periods of time. He was introduced to multiple local artists, giving him opportunity to create for them and obtaining exposure for his work.
In 2017, Kahlil co-founded Omega Point Produxns; a dance-based production crew that specializes in events, live performances, and video shoots in Raleigh, NC. Here, he learned the aspect of technical camera work and background production value with his devoted team. Being a part of OPP, he discovered his brand, Rahwm. Rahwm is a brand focusing on stage presence, confidence, and building your essence in movement.
His biggest inspiration is the gift of life, freedom, and being able to see a day of good energy and uplifting spirit. He thrives on intense feeling and genuine emotion and pushes for the rotation of good karma. Kahlil hopes that everyone can experience the gift of dance and enjoys it just as much as he does!
He chose PCPDPS because of the drive of the students. He is still able to remain a student while also growing as a full-time instructor. At PC, nobody has a time where they get to feel left out, and from personal experience, that’s what he feared coming up in the community. He feels that everyone has a right to dance, debunk, and release with movement while learning in their new journey. There’s no feeling that can describe acceptance. Kahlil is never judged, and neither is his students at PC. We thrive off growth and longevity in dance and expressive movement. He owes it to all his students and supporters of peers and staff.